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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sweet Eloise!!

We are finally starting a blog to keep everyone updated on our life. Ella was born on September 10, 2007. She is the most precious little girl. We moved into a new house in Madison shortly before she was born (2 weeks to be exact). We have had quite a few changes in the last several months.

Ella is changing everyday. She is smiling and trying her hardest to say something!! We just can't figure it out. She started daycare earlier this month. She loves it. She has some very sweet teachers. She is at Dominicare, which is located at St. Dominic Hospital. It is great for me because I can visit her at any time of the day.

We just celebrated our first Christmas together!! It was so much fun and so busy. We did a lot of traveling. We found that it is quite difficult with a 3 1/2 month old. We all got lots of wonderful things. We are looking forward to next year!! It is going to be so much fun for all of us. I have posted some pics from Christmas on a slideshow for everyone to view. Hope you enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

My sweet Eloise! Enough said. She's the center of my heart. I look forward to sharing her life and loving her. GranAnn

Anonymous said...

I can't be anonymous. I'm GranAnn and I want everyone to know Ella is my sweet little granddaughter with beautiful red hair and blue eyes.